Feb 25, 2009

a typical "between the buns" day...

Left the house at 7:30 am, picked up daughter-in-law and 2 kids. Took "daughter" to work (her car's in the shop). Took #1 child to pre-school. Took #2 baby to Wal-Mart. Spent $200. Back home to unload groceries while baby sleeps in car seat. Just enough time to make coffee. Filled to-go cup. Back in car to pick up #1 child at school. Back home, both kids now hungry. Took care of loudest one (baby). Let the other one paint beads to keep herself occupied. Baby insists on being fussy. Let him fuss while I fixed lunch for his sister. That kept her occupied enough so I could get baby fed and to sleep again. Got #1 into bed for a nap. Whoops, favorite blankey is still out in the car. Retrieved blankey, and for the moment both are settled down. Oh I forgot to mention that in between all that, I put a huge pot on the stove--making chicken soup for a friend whose whole family of four have the flu. That's why I went to Wal Mart in the first place, to buy a chicken. Just a chicken! Just enough time to check email and write this post, but need to sign off because Mom is calling. Hope all she needs is to talk for now! Have a great day, the Lord made it, and it is good!


Anonymous said...

THanks for the chicken soup!

Jacquelyn Stager said...

You are more than welcome, thanks for commenting! Hope you feel better soon!

No Mercy said...

That's a cute story!