Dec 6, 2009

Second Sunday of Advent Meditation...

This year I've been hearing a lot about how Christ came into the world in the "fullness of time." That means that He made His appearance in history at the appropriate time, or at just the right time. The Bible tell us this:

"But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. " (Galatians 4:4-5, ESV)

I am sure there is much more deep theological meaning to this phrase "fullness of time" than I have a handle on. But I've been thinking about the times of the Roman Empire, and all the roads that were built during that time. This made it possible for the Gospel of Christ to be spread far and wide like at no other previous time in history. Amazing. What mankind thought was something of his own doing to show his own power and glory, God had another idea.

Today we have the internet. Again, a genius invention of mankind. In "real time" people can be in touch with each other instantly though separated by thousands of miles. But this tool has also enabled the Gospel to spread to the far corners of the earth like never before. God had another idea.

Another thing that is happening in today's world is that many countries have become officially "closed" to missionaries bringing in the Gospel in the former ways. But at the same time, people from some of these countries are free to move to other places for the purpose of education or business. There, they can freely hear the Gospel and many have responded. God had another idea.

During the Advent season as we recall the first coming of Christ, we also look to his return, or Second Coming. It is no longer difficult to imagine how the whole world will have an opportunity to hear the Good News of Christ before He comes again. And it will be just at the right time. God has it totally in His control. We live in an amazing time in history, when the fulfillment of time as we know it surely cannot be too far in the future.

Are you getting ready for His coming?


Olde Dame Penniwig said...

Hi dearie...dropping by to say know I have a different faith, but sure do enjoy reading about very precious He is...

Jacquelyn Stager said...

Hi Penni! Nice to hear from you. Well you never told me what your faith is, but you know I welcome you here anyway! I just can't help getting so verbal about Jesus, especially at this time of year because things come more into focus for me as I hear the old, old story. Thanks so much for your comment, I sure appreciate it!

Rose said...

How right you are, the whole world has a chance to know Jesus. His return will be in the hour of HIS choosing, that is for sure.
"Even so, come quickly LORD Jesus!"


Jess said...


What a hope filled post!
Yes, in the fullness of time, right when God has ordained, history will be completed and the Lamb of God will sit on His proper throne in the New Jerusalem above the New Earth!

And our hearts yearn...Come Lord Jesus!

Advent Blessings to you and yours.