Dec 15, 2011

Simply Christmas: love more

What is God asking you to do?  That question was posed to us last Sunday in our sermon, followed by this statement:  "When God asks you to do something difficult, He is giving you an invitation to show your love for Him."  God asked something difficult of Joseph.  He asked him to marry the young girl he was already engaged to, all the while knowing that she was pregnant though they had never been intimate.  He asked him to believe that she was a virgin. He asked him to trust that the child would be the promised Messiah.  He asked him not to fear.  

God has asked me to do a few difficult things this Christmas season.  Most important of all, He has asked me to show my love for Him by loving others more.  He's asked me to give up some self-indulgence to show love to friends and family.  He's asked me to party less and pray spend less and give worship Him more and things less.

I haven't washed anybody's feet lately...but I did wash my brother's hair.  The visiting physical therapist showed me how to wheel him over to the kitchen sink so I could do it.  It was mechanically an easy thing to do. Emotionally, it was very difficult.  I struggled to keep my composure.  How could this really be happening?  Outwardly I smiled, but inwardly my heart was breaking. 

But the funny thing about love is you never have to run out.  Because the more of it you give, the more you get back and the fuller your tank gets.  So don't be afraid to love more this Christmas.  Joseph was able to connect the dots.  He took Mary to be his wife.  And he gained a Savior.  All because of God's love.  What about you?  Are you loving more this Christmas?


Rebecca said...

Oh, I appreciate this post SO much, Jacquelyn!

I've also become personally challenged by Jesus' instruction not to let the left hand know what the right hand is doing - not doing my good deeds on the street corners, etc.

I want to take another step(s) forward in loving others the way Jesus loved me and the way He told me how to love and gift others.

So much to learn....So little time.

Jacquelyn Stager said...

I often struggle about putting stuff on the blog because I don't want to sound like I'm tooting my the same time I want to encourage others. This year is just so different...but blessings abound!

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

In washing your brother's hair, you lived at your 100%, sister, and then some. Prayers for you and your family as you move toward Bethlehem this week.


Lois Christensen said...

That was beautiful, really. I hope and pray that you are blessed this year by all that you are doing for others! So sorry this has been so hard for you! It's a nice picture!

Jess said...

Hair washing, feet washing, it's all about giving of self to bless others. Thank you for sharing your heart and your life Jacque!

When such intense times of serving pass, we often miss them because it was in those moments that we truly LIVED life.

Praying for your brother and the whole family. Christmas Peace~